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Senior Speech Pathologist

Tahlia prioritises person centered practice and the education of parents and caregivers to promote support within a variety of meaningful contexts. She holds a Bachelor of Science (Speech Pathology) from Curtin University and is a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP) with Speech Pathology Australia.

Tahlia is trained in a number of programs such as Sounds Write, Zones of Regulation and PROMPT.

Tahlia has experience working with children and adolescents with complex needs including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Disorder (ID), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and ADHD across a range of settings. Her areas of interest include early language, literacy, speech sounds and social communication. Tahlia is a firm believer in providing early intervention and opportunities to promote independent thinking to help optimise success in everyday life.